The Meandering Thoughts of Cheryl

This is about my life. My thoughts, my delusions, and my aspirations...

Location: Canada

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Changing World

My everday world is constantly spinning and shifting. Two years a go I predicted that I would be attending the University of Alberta so I could pursue my Master's in Neuroscience. I never thought it would actually happen. Now that I am accepted, and have found an apartment... I am confused with what I feel. The past few months had brought many sleepless nights, thinking what my next step in life was to be. Usually I believe one should go with their gut... I have mixed feelings about going back to university. I don't want to become a professional student. I don't want to be one of those people that has the education, but hardly any experience. In some ways I believe in fate. A lot has happened this year that I didn't think would. Many of these events have driven me to the decision to attend. For example, I never thought I would be living this far away from family and friends. Growing up in Nova Scotia, British Columbia seemed so far away. I couldn't see myself as a Westerner. But hey... Alberta is closer to home than British Columbia. Why not give it a chance? Edmonton doesn't impress me very much. However, I know the place doesn't make it home, the people do. I have one good friend from high school living there. Hopefully Deadmonton can come alive! In a month I will be quitting my job and going to Nova Scotia for my sister's wedding. Two weeks later I'll be in Alberta. So many changes in such little time.


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