The Meandering Thoughts of Cheryl

This is about my life. My thoughts, my delusions, and my aspirations...

Location: Canada

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Up, Up and Away

Yesterday my journey back to BC (from QC) began with a quick drop off at the airport and an hour-long search for my friend-who unfortuantely didn't make it. The traffic was terrible on the highway due to the Grand Prix being held this weekend and so it's no wonder... :( I overheard one guy saying that he needed a hotel room for a siesta (only two hours). The hotel said he would get a deal of poaying a "measely" $75! Some deal. The hotel rates were jacked up by at least 150%. One hotel room that usually costs $120 was going for $450. Man...

I went to the boarding room at the airport to wait. With 2 mins until boarding an annocement came on indicating that there would be nothing served on board due to a labour strike with their catering service. Aparently it was affecting all the flights departing Trudeau airport. sigh 5 hours and 40 mins with nothing to eat. Thank goodness I bought red berries for a treat. :) Yum!

The airport was hot even with the air conditioning. I was unsure if many drinks would be provided on the plane and so I dashed to line-up for a refreshment. Everyone else ran for sandwiches. Another person came over the intercom and said it was a good idea for us to buy sandwiches pronto before boarding. So there I am in line waiting while my flight is "boarding." It's a scary feeling when you're unsure if your flight will take off without you. I saw one person in line that was going on my flight so I was relieved. I bought a small milk that cost me $2.25! urg! If the cost of the flight wasn't enough! lol On my airplane seat were two kid boxes. In one was a chicken sandwich. A lot of good that did me. And in the other was some cookies. Funny thing is no one knew where to store them. Sandwiches were rolling on the ground...due to the lack of space.

Sitting beside me was a very nice, middle-aged woman. This had been her 2nd time in Mntl. She was on a business trip. Within 5 mins she asked if I had a ride home from the airport. She had learned that I took the bus to UBC everday and that I lived in White Rock. She was going to offer to drive me to North Delta (where she lives) so I could have a cheaper cab ride. We talked off and on the whole flight.

There was an annoying airflight attendent. I believe her first language was English (after I laughed so hard at her trying French). I don't usually laugh at people trying another language, but I thought the attendents had to be fully bilingual. She was mangling the French language. She was very pippy and had the stereotypical valley-girl voice. Surprisingly, she was probably 60 years old. The woman beside me motioned she must be on something. Yes she must be happy to be going back to BC. :)

On the flight we watched a Canadian movie. It was based in Deadmonton! Whoo-hoo! All the stewardesses claimed it was a good movie. My friend and I weren't so sure. The movie was "Saint Ralph" and turned out to be pretty good. Now pretty good I mean in comparison to other "great" airline movies. lol.

Finally I arrived in Vancouver 5 hours and 40 mins later. Yep there were the clouds -always the possibility of rain. It was only 17C, unlike Mntl which was 32 C. It was a good thing I brought back my jacket; I needed it. 30 mins later my ride came and got me. Finally I was home...


Blogger Devin said...

I have yet to understand why the term stewardess isn't "politcally correct."

I think very little of the notion. A few people using a phrase in a demeaning manner shouldn't merit its removal from our every-day speech. Shouldn't we be worried about changing misconceptions that those people have rather than being worried about conferring a non-literal sense of some word - used only in a negative connotation by a minority of ignorant people?

Euphamisms suck.

9:44 PM  

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