The Meandering Thoughts of Cheryl

This is about my life. My thoughts, my delusions, and my aspirations...

Location: Canada

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Arr Arr Matties Treasure!

A month ago Lily and I had no furniture for our livingroom. About a month ago we found a mustard yellow chair in the hallway by the elevator. It remained there for almost a week. On the 3rd day we decided to confiscate the chair and leave a note on the bulletin board, just in case it wasn't meant to be taken. No one complained. Since there are a lot of graduate students in this residence people more out all the time and leave their stuff.

Yesterday we came across another chair. Very comfy. We brought it up to our apartment. (Aside: We do clean the furniture before we move it in). Then this morning I was taking out the recycling and I came across a huge mat and crutches. The mat was rolled up by the building, and the crutches were leaning against the garbage disposal. No one was using them. After cleaning them up we rearranged our living room to incorporate the mat. Hehehe... I definitely feel like a student again.


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