The Meandering Thoughts of Cheryl

This is about my life. My thoughts, my delusions, and my aspirations...

Location: Canada

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Reincarnation of Studio 54?

Well this past week was definitely full of ups and downs. I spent most of my time in the lab with patients, trying to understand the techniques my professor employed. I'll explain more my thoughts on my Master's in another blog along with my exciting trip to Spruce Grove.

This blog is all about yesterday. Chirs, my BC friend, was still in town and so we spent the day together. We walked Whyte Ave, checking out the many artisitic shops along the way. Edmonton is a very artistic city. In one shop we saw a woman making a dress in the back office.

We went to a great Italian restaurant. The service was great and the veggie lasagna was excellent! It may become my favorite place here. We both noticed that the tables were unusually distant from one another in comparison with restaurants in other cities. Edmonton has so much land they don't know what to do with it!

For supper we decided to go to the West Edmonton Mall and check out a restaurant there. I wasn't really hungry, but it was already 8pm. We went onto Bourbon Street (this is a themed street in the mall) and went to a Mexican restaurant where we had nachos and Marqaritas. Not a bad little spot.

While in the mall I decided to show Chris the fire-breathing dragon at the movie theatre. Every half hour or so a dragon, which is suspended from the ceiling and is huge, starts to come "alive"! The lights dim and scary music begins to play. The dragon begins to move and eventually it breathes fire! You can feel the heat from the bottom floor. A must see if ever visiting West Edmonton Mall (Aka WEM)!

Chris and I decided to go to a club attached to the mall that he had checked out the night before. It was called Rums Jangles or something like that. We arrived at 10pm and were surprised to see there were people already there. I have never been to such a place before. You may not believe me when I describe the club. It reminded so much of the famous Studio 54. There were dancing cages, swings hanging from ceilings, huge screens, a gigantic disco ball,... When we sat down, we saw a guy going onto stage with a robe on. That was perculiar. He put on a sandman's hat and discarded the robe. He had boxers on. He proceeded to lie on a bed that was on stage and pretend to sleep. Later the guy played video games while lying in the bed on stage. So weird. I told you, you wouldn't believe me! Anyway all of the waitresses and bar tenders wore white, which glowed in the dark. They were all fanatstic dancers. At 11pm two girls were strapped to swings. The swings were raised to the ceilings and the girls in short skirts, stockings, and tight shirts swung for 2 hours over our heads! Freaky! It would be a good workout. So as the night continued more odd things occurred. The dance floor was packed at 11:30pm as Chris and I took to the dance floor. Girls danced in the cages on stage, which also went up to the ceiling and down. One girl danced behind a screen to the music. You could see her shadow. She was amazing! You could not be bored in a place like this! At 12:30am some of the girls then had a special stage performance. They were awesome! Chris and I left shortly after. It is by far my favorite club!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! That club sounds amazing! I definetly don't know of any bar here in the maritimes that would be anything like that. Leonard and I will most definetly have to make a point now to try to come and visit you in Edmonton. A good time indeed! :) We'll know where you'll be every other weekend now. lol.

3:05 PM  

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