The Meandering Thoughts of Cheryl

This is about my life. My thoughts, my delusions, and my aspirations...

Location: Canada

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Think Inside the Box

Well another day trying to hunt down my professor. I went again to his office-4th time so far. I just read my e-mail and found out he wanted me to see him at 7:30am this morning. I will tomorrow. Gee... A busy guy. I guess every doctor is.

Today at noon my new friend Zoe and I are going to Greyhound to pick my 8 boxes up. I hope the boxes fit into her car. We'll see... It's overcast and it may rain. If it doesn't I think we may go to the Fringe Festival.

I found my course book yesterday-$150! Yikes! I'm going to Chapters and see if it's cheaper. I hope.

I pretty much know my way around campus, but I booked a campus tour for next week. I just discovered that the student council is piloting the idea for the student union building and its labs to be open 24/7 this year! Yeah! I gotta love that!


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