The Meandering Thoughts of Cheryl

This is about my life. My thoughts, my delusions, and my aspirations...

Location: Canada

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Canada Day -The Search for BC Pride

My first Canada Day on the west coast. Melissa and I dressed to the 9's in red and white and hopped the bus to Granville Island. (Aside: My poor NS sister was afraid that I may have to take a ferry to get there. I assured her I would be ok and that no ferry was involved in our travels that day). Surprisingly, not many people were wearing the Nation's colours. Weird. I was complimented on my Canadian Leaf bandana. The woman said she always wanted one and asked where I got it. I told her that she would have to travel to the otherside of Canada-I bought it in Cavendish, Prince Edward Island. lol. Granville Island was a hot spot. Maple leaf flags were given out left and right. There was lots to see and do. Melissa and I took in some music from the jazz festival and watched some buskers. Buskers = street vendors. BC people don't know what a busker is. lol

My San Francisco friends (Aaron and Jenn) joined us for the day. It was nice spending it with them because they were so happy that they will become Canadians shortly. We went to a nice lounge and sat back and chit chatted. Aaron asked a waiter what the soup of the day was and he smirkly replied, "It's carrot and something soup, but it's not my fault." With a wink he left. We laughed. A good guy to ask what we should get.

Following our time on Granville Island Melissa and I jumped back on the bus and headed home. We were lucky-only then did it begin to rain. We strolled down to the White Rock pier to meet up with a friend of Melissa's. We listened to some bands as we ate gelato. Yum! At 9:15pm it was still July the 1st in BC, but in NS it was 1:15 am July the 2nd. I then officially turned 24. Whoo-hoo! I downed a root beer. yes a root beer. We weren't allowed drinking out on the pier. Thirty minutes later we watched the spectacular fireworks over the water. Just for me-well for Canada's 138th birthday and my 24th birthday.


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