The Meandering Thoughts of Cheryl

This is about my life. My thoughts, my delusions, and my aspirations...

Location: Canada

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Magic School Bus

I ended my long work day at 2pm and met up with my friend Trudy. We walked around UBC just catching up with each other's news. It was a beautiful day for a stroll with a friend.

Due to the walk I took a later bus back to White Rock. Lucky for me I was able to get a seat before it was standing room only. I sat infront with my music going and my eyes closed. The bus driver was putting both his petal and brakes to the medal. Half-way through the ride I looked up and realised there were a lot of people standing. However, my attention turned to a 65 year old that was sitting on the bus floor. He began hurling into his black bag. Unfortunately motion sickness set in. I couldn't understand why the poor man didn't receive a seat. There were businessmen all around. I would have given up my seat had I noticed. The man was embarrassed. I never want to go on bus #354 again.


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