The Meandering Thoughts of Cheryl

This is about my life. My thoughts, my delusions, and my aspirations...

Location: Canada

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Baby Teeth are for Babies?

Just got back from the dentist. Bad news... I knew I had 6 baby teeth (yes that's right baby teeth), but I didn't know it would cost me. One of my baby teeth was extracted a couple of years ago. With no tooth replacing it my teeth started filling the gap. So the dentist said sadly that I had a lot of work needed done immediately. The tooth above my gap is a baby tooth and it has a cavity. The cavity is so close to the bone that he said it has to be extracted ASAP. However, he didn't want to take it out because then I would have a huge gap. The baby tooth beside it would then need to be pulled. He said that the cavity baby tooth is the crux. Once it hurts and is extracted procedures would have to be done right away. Unfortunately he said maybe I would need to take out a student loan to finance it. :( I need 6 implants... about $3500 a pop. Scary! Anyway he said I had healthy, stong teeth and that implants were much better than bridges. Ummm my mouth will be gold at the end of all this. Just got to find the $.... Lol Show me the money! Off for a cleaning of my teeth tomorrow. Yeah!


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