The Meandering Thoughts of Cheryl

This is about my life. My thoughts, my delusions, and my aspirations...

Location: Canada

Sunday, October 30, 2005

My Eventful Day at the Thrift Store...

Ok so the title of this blog doesn't sound very exciting, but trust me I have a story. I'm unsure why my life is never boring. Well, Saturday I decided to go down Whyte Ave to the Thrift store for some decorations. I was having a surprised birthday party for my roommate that night. Her birthday was last Sunday, but we were too busy studying for tests. Anyway, so I walked into the thirft store and saw a sign indicating that everything was 50% off. Of course the place was busy. I had just arrived when my attention turned towards the cash register. A woman (probably 60 years old, I'll call her "alien") at the start of the line started yelling at a woman behind her. Apparently, the woman behind her had placed her things down on the counter. The alien was outraged. She claimed that she felt rushed and this was poor service. The cashier (who was black-you'll understand in a sec why I have to say this) was ringing through the alien's objects. The alien then went on to say that she felt rushed, and continued to say that they were giving her poor service... Then she went somewhere I wish she hadn't... The alien stated, "I'm sorry I'm just a poor white woman who doesn't know what to do at the cash register!" I couldn't beleive it. The nerve of this woman (alien)! Anyway, the boss came over and told her that she needed to be more courteous to them. The alien just continued her craziness. The boss finally assertively asked her to leave and not to come back if she didn't like the service! I couldn't believe it. A woman beside me said, "She must be mad." Indeed..anyone that makes such a mockery of themselves is a nut (or out of this world, AKA alien).

Anyway, the rest of my day went well. Lily had a wonderful party. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at you and your blonde hair!!

12:43 PM  

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