The Meandering Thoughts of Cheryl

This is about my life. My thoughts, my delusions, and my aspirations...

Location: Canada

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Freshest Cinnamon Bun in the World!

Kimberly and I once again got together after I was finished work. We had no idea what to do so we hopped a bus downtown. She had to be back to work at 5:30pm so we had a little over 2 hours. I thought about what I wanted to check off my list of things-to-do before leaving BC and I realised that I had yet to take a sea bus. As we were waiting for a sea bus a strange girl interrupted our conversation. At the time I was explaining to Kimberly how my plans to hike Grouse Mountain had fallen through 5 times because something came up with my various friends. The girl said that she would ditch her friends and go anyway. She continued to say that she just went to Stanley Park and 8 guys just came up to her out of the blue and gave her their phone number. We found that hard to believe. 8 guys? Please... She told one guy that she didn't want his number and that if it was meant to be she would meet him again in the future. She claimed the guy walked away and ran back and said it was meant to be. This girl was strange. She might have been on something. Who knows out here. She would have talked all day had the sea bus not interrupted our conversation with the random girl. We boarded the sea bus and I was kind of disappointed. It wasn't that exciting, but the view of North Vancouver was nice. The sea bus landed in North Vancouver, at the Lonsdale Quay (pronounced as "key" not quay). Various palces around Vancouver have these quays. They are like flea markets. We roamed around and came aross a bakery. The smell was breath-taking. Yummy! Maybe it's just because we were hungry. We both bought a cinnamon bun and sat down by the water. I'm telling you this cinnamon bun was the freshest, tastiest bun I had ever eaten. (yes I said bun :)). Kimberly and I took off once again and she went off to work. I decided to explore a bit. I came across Spanish Banks. It was a further walk than I thought, but worth it. The Banks is a beach over looking the mountains and the city. Gorgeous view.

Later I went to the Waterfront St. Cafe in Gastown directly infront of the famous steam clock. My work going-away party was set for 7pm. It had a wonderful, relaxing ambience. Most of my co-workers came. The food was good-being mostly Italian food.

It was another great day.


Blogger shiney teeth and me said...

WOW! sounds like youre having a super awesome time!!! (wow, nude beach eh?--too bad about the old/obese people) perhaps next time :-)

3:18 PM  

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