The Meandering Thoughts of Cheryl

This is about my life. My thoughts, my delusions, and my aspirations...

Location: Canada

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Print How Many?

This blog is way behind on my adventures...Sigh I will post them soon.

This week I am busy printing and stapling questionnaires for the neurophysiologists of Canada. My prof thought it was too expensive to have 600 packages(8 coloured pages per package)printed at Staples and so I am busy printing them. It takes forever! Honestly, I don't know how it will be finished by Friday. I started yesterday afternoon. I have 225 done! Woo-hoo. That's a long way from 600!

Today I learned that I hate printing double-sided. The papers began to stick to one another (too much static) and it messed up all the copies! I had to constantly go through the printed copies and disgard a lot of them. Now I'm just printing on one-side. Well, umm I wonder if the $1700 to print them at Staples would be worth it? To me it would :) I'm the one printing them. Back to stapling... I have to watch out for paper cuts! I already have two! OUCH!


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